Saturday, October 23, 2010


I spoke to Diana, I can't even remember when. Apparently the District Manager had decided to go with another applicant. Diana was hesitant to speak to me and when I inquired if he had said why he did not decide on me, she said that he hadn't. I inquired as to when I could re-apply, and she said a year from now.

My spirit has been very restless as of late. My sleep schedule is all out of kilter and I find that when I go to bed, I cannot sleep. I used to be able to lay there long enough that I would drift off to sleep as a result of being warm and laying down, however that is not the case lately. I am anxious to get my room situated so that I can begin the search that is within me. I also figure that if I exercise before going to bed, I will stand a better chance of getting to sleep.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Diana will be contacting me today to let me know the results of her discussion with the District Manager regarding their interviews with me, comparing notes and what not. I am anxious and excited and confident that God's Will will prevail. And either way, I am ready. I will post again when I know the results.

Friday, October 1, 2010


I have always had vivid dreams that I can recall amazing details from, and as of late, that ability has been growing exponentially. Last night, in 2 hours of sleep, I had the most amazing and life like dream I have ever had. Textures, people, senses, emotions, and even names now... A quick Google of dreams or dream sequences is pretty much useless, unless you want the opinion of every wacko out there who thinks they are a dream guru. I understand the process of dreaming, and dream identification symbols... but I don't dream in symbols. I dream in ... events? sequences? stories? I don't even know what to call it. I do know however that it is getting stronger. The feeling that I wake with, which is often the first identification that you recall your dream, is almost displacing me when I first wake up. I feel like I am out of place when I am awake. (As if this life was the dream...). I know it sounds all very strange and Twilight Zone-ish... but I am going to have to start keeping a journal of my dreams. I used to do that years ago when I was training my dream recall and dream interpretation, but I got out of the habit as a result of another habit that caused me to be unable to remember my dreams at all. Now that the inhibiting habit has been laid to rest, I find that picking up my journal habit is a good idea.
Ok, the dream journal has been created and I have decided to keep it private for now, at least until I start understanding the meaning of these dreams.